For Journalists

The AfriSMC will work tirelessly to avail to science journalists across Africa credible and accurate information on emerging science stories as soon as possible. These will be in the form of ready-to-use quotes from experts and findings from credible scientific studies. We will also run regular press briefings on trending science issues so that journalist can get the information directly from the experts. the latest hot topics. Find our most recent Roundups and Rapid Reactions, briefings and ‘Before the Headlines’ analyses below, or use the icons on the right.

The AfriSMC will also facilitate interview with willing leading experts in the fields of engineering, medicine, agriculture and other fields of, science, technology and innovations so that they can shed more light on their work or well as headline news, especially the controversial ones. We will also prioritize support for new science reporters, including freelancers through guides, toolkits and brochures.  

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Boost Health Spending to Save Children from Malnutrition, The Goalkeepers Report 2024 Urges Leaders

New modeling shows that 40 million more children will suffer from hunger’s worst effects by 2050 due to climate change, but immediate action could...

Dr. Paulin Basinga on Causes, Solutions to Malnutrition in Africa

Dr. Paulin Basinga on Causes, Solutions to Malnutrition in Africa The Gates Foundation’s eighth annual Goalkeepers report, which reveals new insights into the world’s worst...

No Link Between Mobile Phones and Brain Cancers, Experts Find

By Sharon Atieno Despite increased uptake and exposure to the use of mobile phones and other wireless technology which emit radiofrequencies (RF), there is no...

Explainer: Bats,diseases and role in ecosystem

Despite being associated with numerous diseases including COVID-19, bats play a crucial role in the ecosystem health, human health and agriculture. Bernard Agwanda, research...

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